since i was 5 .. some 22 years ago...
My fascination for tea started...
I remember making all bahaanaa to not have milk and get a glass of tea instead!
I guess it was also due to being surrounded by tea gardens all around.
The beds of tea bushes on those undulating hills in its zillion shades of green had something in it.
The aroma of the tea (for which Darjeeling tea is famous for) was something that put tea drinking into my soul.
And now not a single day passes when I do not have tea.
Heat, Rain or Snow,
Summer, Winter or monsoon,
There is always a toast to the chai.
this is total copy paste from top to bottom :) with my exp. with tea....
my mom also says apparently after the guest used to leave I used to go to the kitchen sink and drink all the left over tea from all the cups!!!
can you beat that ???!!!!!
I used to get royal thrashing after such acts though...:)
first time here...
*a photographic journey* awesome place!! Wasn't able to leave comments.
The posts are beautifully written. How is it? Are the pictures for the post or the posts for the pictures?
:) Sharanya!
hehe! i can understand that Tanu..
But ya .. u were one step ahead i would say!
Royal Thrashings! :) hehehehe
Welcome! Thanks for your kind words.
Its either way. Just depends on the mood in which I am writing. But most of the time it is thoughts supported by a picture.
I guess I am a late starter with most of the things in my life :)
and TEA is one of them too !!!
I did not have tea till I was in College, do not ask me reasons but till the time I started Stage, I was away from Tea too !!! and then there was no looking back :)
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