Ok , so basic question.. What is meditation? I am no saint, neither do I evangelize anything on this, but this small piece from the book “The Tibetan book of Living and Dying” by Sogyal Rinpoche, did make lot of sense .
The purpose of meditation is to awaken us in the sky-like nature of the mind, and to introduce us to that which we really are, our unchanging pure awareness, which underlies the whole of life and death.
In the stillness and silence of meditation, we glimpse and return to that deep inner nature that we have so long ago lost sight of amid the busyness and distractions of our minds. Isn’t it extraordinary that our minds cannot stay long for longer than a few moments without grasping after distraction; they are so restless and preoccupied that sometimes I think that, living in a city in the modern world, we are already like the tormented beings in the intermediate state after death, where the consciousness is said to be agonizingly restless.
We are fragmented into so many different aspects. We don’t know who we really are, or what aspects of ourselves we should identify with or believe in. So many contradictory voices, dictates, and feelings fight for control over our inner lives that we find ourselves scattered everywhere, in all directions leaving nobody at home.Meditation, then is the bringing the mind home.
If your mind is able to settle naturally of its own accord, and if you are inspired simply to rest in its pure awareness, then you do not need any method of meditation. In fact it might even be unskillful when you’re in such a state to tray and empty one. However, the vast majority of us find it difficult to arrive at that state straight away.
I feel that meditation has a lot to do with letting things go, being just able to relax, of being to be in a fresh state of mind before starting onto another thing fresh. Doing whatever please the soul is perhaps the best way to relax.
So... did you meditate today?
with a blog titled soul memories and and a post titled meditations..no coincidence that i landed here today:)..some topics very close to my heart :))
Ans: to your Q: yes this soul did meditate today :))
no denying meditation is an invaluable tool in spiritual development...
but its also ok if you dont meditate...but instead practice mindfullness..and practice being a good human being (a realllly tough job by itself, mediation however provides you with the battery charge that helps you stay on the right path, especially in challenging times when you are succumbing to the ego)
no point spending 2 hours meditating and then being hurtfull in your everyday life...
lovely image....
and if you enjoyed reading this and havent already done so...you may enjoy the tibetan book of the dead..and its slightly easier reading..very dense books...dont meet to many people who have heard of em leave alone read...
so hope to share more soul memories with you..
Thanks for that wonderful comment Jyoti! :)
Oh and btw .. i will look for that book too! :)
I dont medidate, i never understood the concept of medidation. I can never get to sit myself still and concentrate of something with my eyes closed.
If meditation relaxes your body mind and soul..i have the same feeling when i paint,with my camera,when im reading a good book, walking or exercising..My mind is thinking of nothing but what i am doing at that point in time...
there is this lovely book i read by Thich Nhat Hanh on mindfullness...
lol me----though am not sure if you say this in jest...
making meditation sound like a day at the spa or a weekend hobby program...
it is a little bit more than that..actaully a lot more.... :))
mindfulness is meditation in action ... :)) v v hard to practice....enjoy
btw: love the topics of your posts kshitiz...ur gonna see a lot of around :)))
I tried few times,but never did i successed. It can never happen to me that i dont think about anything for a moment, in that case i am not fit for meditation right?
But still i wonder why people do meditation and how do they successed.
Let me know if you know so.
by the way your post increased my curiousity... good one :)
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